Spreading of Communicable Disease Through Vectors

Concept Explanation

Spreading of Communicable Disease Through Vectors

Through vectors: Animals like mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and rats spread many diseases. An animal that spreads a disease is called a vector. Mosquitoes of different species are vectors for diseases like malaria, dengue, yellow fever and filariasis. Mosquitoes feed on blood to be able to lay mature eggs. When a mosquito bites an infected person, the infectious agent enters its stomach. After this when it bites a healthy person, the infectious agent passes into his/her bloodstream. In this way the disease gets transmitted. Vectors can spread diseases in other ways too. For example, infectious agents can stick to the body of a fly. Apart from this, infectious agents can be transmitted through the faeces and saliva of the fly. The housefly spreads diseases like typhoid and cholera. Shadflies and tse-tse flies spread kala-azar and sleeping sickness respectively. Cockroaches can spread diseases like polio and typhoid, while rats spread diseases like plague.

Bubonic plague is one of three types of plague caused by the plague bacterium. One of seven days after exposure to the bacteria, flu like symptoms develop. The vector for bubonic plague is a rat flea.

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